Health and Safety
The area of Mt. Halla, where the Classic Korea is held, will have a wild terrain of forest and mountain trail. Most of the vehicles here are out of access, and they can cause unexpected injuries or accidents. You can also face into very changeable weather of Jeju Island during trekking. you're not on your own.

Aside from having other trekkers around to help, all our checkpoints are staffed by health professionals. If you have any medical issues during the trek, contact the checkpoint staff. They should be able to help with most health issues.

For insurance purposes, please note that only cases of medical emergency are documented. Other examinations, certificates and insurance matters, ought to be handled by your regular medical service at home.

Fjällräven and its partners are not responsible for your whereabouts, so if you need assistance it's up to you to contact a Fjällräven official or seek independent help. Generally there won't be organized search and rescue for people who don't reach the finish.